Monday 13 October 2014

The construction rules processing

Thus, the meta-model shown in Figure 5.31 will allow the creation of FSP models (consistent with the grammar of the language and therefore with the LTSA tool that integrates and to which a transformation is described in the following chapters).

This meta-model is built around the concepts of Process and LocalProcess representing autonomous entities that can run in parallel. All entities derived from the concept of Process then represent specific types of processes. A Primitive is a process for the definition of a model consisting of Local Process.

These processes may be associated with composite processes used to draw a parallel between the behavior of various primitive process. Other types of processes will allow finer than primitive modeling process.

These processes are among others mobile recharge api the Choice process to have a choice between several alternative processes, Prefix processes are processes prefixed by Action for activation.

Prefix These processes form the basis for the design of primitive processes and Choice process. Finally, to allow modeling of the system shutdown, processes such as Stop or Error are defined. The meta-model LTL will allow the definition of formulas for specifying properties and verification of FSP models.

Seen as an abstract syntax, meta-model consists of a minimal set of concepts namely operators Or, Next, Not Until and from which it will be possible to reconstruct a combination of other operators defined in logic as Future the operator, the operator or global Weak operator.

AP (Atomic Motion) models, as the name suggests an atomic proposition. Note that True and False are not essential, in fact, considering that, mobile recharge api φ1 and φ2 are all three LTL formulas, we have the following logical equivalences:

PI [Ras06] is a lightweight system in which entities collaborate mobile recharge api to perform a function. PI allows the modeling and execution of dynamic hybrid competitors, specifically to asynchronous events systems, and continuous dynamics with discrete time synchronous execution of agents.

For this, it proposes a run time whose role mobile recharge api is to manage: the evolution of different kinds of agents, namely actions, evaluation of guards or synchronizing shared appointments shares.

Described in, the framework can serve as a meta-model and sets a framework for the design. It is based on a set of concepts organized here into three main groups: the agents, their behaviors (State, Action, Activity, etc.) and their interactions (Rendezvous).

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