Monday 13 October 2014

Model describes the essential

Decentralized appearance and mobile application will be supported by an implementation of the J2ME platform from Sun/ Oracle.2 The second example proposes to address the problem of producer consumer.

This example will be located on a platform (PI [Ras06] framework) and combines a synthesis approach supervisor and audit by Model-Checking. Given the intended applications, the areas of control and supervision of Model-Checking are not enough to put up a proper process model mobile recharge api development.

It is also necessary to consider the classical software engineering, with its modeling languages and specific concepts (objects, patterns, frameworks, etc.) to cover all the activities of the development process. For these modeling languages such as UML seen in the state of the art of this manuscript can be used.

For meta-models of these non-specific languages such as a tool TopCased wherein they are already established can be used. The job of SED field with personal tools and formalism.

If the choice is wide, the study is limited to tools and formalism handling finite automate [Col05] that will allow us to synthesize/ generate the discrete controllers using a tool like, and tools combining process algebras and mobile recharge api temporal logic, such as LTSA [MK06] for verification aspects of models.

The ultimate goal of development is to obtain a standard or set on a specific platform software system. So in order to prepare the implementation of the software system, it is necessary to identify the frameworks and platforms that could accommodate them.

The execution platforms and frameworks are many in the software field. Among the standard platforms, it is possible to include the mobile recharge api Java platform from Sun/ Oracle.

To illustrate the approach, the two platforms are being considered, the mobile recharge api standard, the specific other. However, these two platforms operate the same programming language, namely Java, which is the benchmark for performing code generation.

However, to facilitate the activity of implantation of the art frameworks the closest domain are implemented on such platforms. Thus, the implementation of the mobile application is based on J2ME Sun completed the framework [Col05], a framework for the execution of automatons.

The implementation of the producer-consumer example is mobile recharge api based on the execution framework of systems PI [Ras06], based on the LTS and using a standard Java virtual machine.

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